15-17 Jul 2020 Lisbonne (Portugal)

Submission > How to submit

In addition to the traditional symposia and individual communications and posters, the 2020 edition of the ADRIPS congress proposes the submission of round tables on questions related to the field, its methodologies, or theoretical issues. Furthermore, in this edition, the posters will be presented for 3 minutes each in plenary sessions, before their presentation in the poster area.

You are free to communicate also in English, but please indicate in which language you wish to communicate in order to facilitate the work of the scientific committee.


Closing of submissions on January 15th

 To submit your abstracts, go to the 'Submit> Submit' tab

 If you have any difficulty submitting your resume, see Submission Help (document to be created)




 A symposium consists of an introduction (the statement of the topic of the symposium) by the symposium organizer (10-15 minutes), who will expose its theme. This introduction is followed by individual papers that fall under the theme of the symposium (between 3 and 5 papers of about 15-20 minutes, including a slot of time for questions defined by the organizer).

 The total duration of a symposium should not exceed 100 minutes.

 The submission of a symposium must include the following elements in a single PDF file:

  • a short and clear title;
  • a summary clearly describing the theme and objective of the symposium (400 words maximum)
  • a bibliography (not counted in the 400 words) respecting the APA norms, not exceeding 5 references;
  • 2 to 3 keywords (not counted in 400 words).
  • Summaries of symposium papers that follow the same guidelines as those for individual papers.


Individual oral communication


Oral presentations (maximum 15 minutes) will be grouped into thematic sessions lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes each (plus 5 minutes of questions and discussion with other participants). The abstract should not exceed 400 words.

 Your communication proposal must include the following elements in a single PDF file: 

  • a short and clear title;
  • a summary of the communication with an introduction clearly showing the objectives of the study, the methodology as well as the results obtained (statistically supported), not exceeding 400 words.
  • a bibliography (not counted in the 400 words) respecting the APA norms, not exceeding 5 references;
  • 2 to 3 keywords (not counted in the 400 words).

Note. In the case that your proposal of oral communication is not accepted, you have the opportunity to consider its presentation as a poster.




Poster sessions will be held during this conference. Before the presentation of the poster, authors will present them for 3 minutes in a plenary session. In this sense, authors should preview a brief power point presentation of their poster.

 Poster proposals must include the following elements in a single PDF file:

  • a short and clear title;
  • a summary of the poster with an introduction clearly showing the objectives of the study, the methodological elements as well as the results obtained (statistically supported), not exceeding 400 words.
  • a bibliography (not counted in the 400 words) respecting the APA norms, not exceeding 5 references;
  • 2 to 3 keywords (not counted in 400 words).


Round table 


Round table proposal can be submitted. A roundtable will consist of 3-5 authros who will present, discuss, and facilitate the discussion of a research practice, research methodology or theoretical discussion in a specific topic.

The submission of a roundtable must include the following elements in a single PDF file:

  • a short and clear title;
  • a summary clearly describing the theme and objective of this round table (400 words maximum)
  • a bibliography (not counted in the 400 words) respecting the APA norms, not exceeding 5 references;
  • 2 to 3 keywords (not counted in 400 words).


General submission rules


 - It is not possible to have more than one presentation for the same author.

 - Data collection. In order to guarantee a data-based conference, every presentation should contain some empirical data. Two options are possible:

  • The data collection is completed at the time of submission
  • The data collection is not completed by the time of submission. In that case, you have to submit a pre-registered report including a potential Interim analysis (Lakens, 2014) in order to present preliminary results in case the data collection is not finished by the time of the conference.
    • If you have any questions or need any support regarding Interim analysis or pre-registration, please contact: webmaster@adrips.org


Evaluation criteria


All communication proposals will be subjected to a double-blind review by the scientific committee. The scientific committee will evaluate the submissions in term of the relevance of the following criteria:

  • theoretical introduction and problem / objectives, well defined and specifying the aims and goals of the research presented;
  • data collected (quantitative or qualitative). 
  • quality and coherence of statistical analyses.

Decision of the committe will be transmitted by the end of April 2020

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