15-17 Jul 2020 Lisbonne (Portugal)

Welcome to the 13th ADRIPS conference

Dear colleagues ,

Many of you have submitted a communication proposal to the next ADRIPS congress. This event, organized by colleagues from Lisbon, promised to match previous congresses. Unfortunately, the extent of the Covid-19 pandemic does not allow us to organize this event as planned. The Organizing Committee as well as the members of the ADRIPS Bureau are very sorry to announce this bad news to you.

Nevertheless, we have decided to make this congress live differently: your submissions will all be reviewed, and we warmly thank the Editorial Committee and the experts for the work they agree to provide in this particular context.

We propose to each author to enhance their communication in the form of "poster/video conference displayed at the 13th International Congress of Social Psychology", Lisbon, 2020.

To do this, each of you will have the opportunity to send us a longer summary, a poster, a video presentation, etc., until July 16, 2020. When we return the expertise, which will be slightly deferred, we will attach a document for you to fill in on your wish to enhance your communication with the precise instructions for each new format offered.

From September 1, 2020, 

we will broadcast each of the presentations daily, in the form of an event which will be called: 

"Lisbon 2020: 3 minutes of daily social psychology"

We also wish to state that we logically abandon any registration fees for this conference. This decision has consequences for the financial balance of ADRIPS and we encourage you to contribute to this particular situation, by massively adhering to ADRIPS, in particular if your communication is disseminated to the community.

Take good care of yourself and the people around you!

The Organizing Committee: Diniz Lopes
The ADRIPS Bureau: Odile Rohmer, Astrid Mignon, Mickaël Jury, Isabelle Milhabet, Jean-Louis Tavani, Marie-Pierre Fayant


Important dates


Submission deadline : 15th of January 2020


The new submission deadline is now : 16th of february 2020


Editorial decisions: End of April

Online user: 6 Privacy